Certain issues are hard to navigate. You’re not alone. 211 Maine can help.
Connect with Maine specialists at 211 Maine via phone, text, or email.
You can always reach one of our trained professionals by phone, text or email.
Accessible 24-7 | all languages | completely confidential
Directory Membership — clone
Providers of health and human services and emergency resource services are encouraged to contact 211 Maine for inclusion in our Resource Directory. Participation in the directory will allow people in need to find your services and programs. There is no charge to be listed in the directory.
Eligibility and Requirements:
Liability and Disclaimers:
Removal (inactivation) from the 211 Maine database:
Any organization which has requested inclusion in the 211 Maine database will receive denial notification by email or by U.S. Mail. An appeal should be made in writing to the Resource Manager at resources@211maine.org. The appeal will be reviewed by the Resource Manager, Contact Center Manager and Program Manager with 30 days of receipt. The appeal response will be provided in writing within 45 days of receipt.
Second appeals should be in writing to the Program Manager. Contact information will be provided in the initial appeal response. Final review and decision regarding inclusion will be made by the 211 Maine Board of Directors and provided in writing within 90 days of receipt.
Joining the Directory:
If your organization is interested in inclusion, please email resources@211maine.org or dial 211 (or 1-866-811-5695).
This policy has been updated as of January 2020.
Ready to Join or Update an Existing Listing?
Contact the Resource Department
at 207-221-8150
or by completing the form below: [gravityform id=”3″ title=”false” description=”false”]