Certain issues are hard to navigate. You’re not alone. 211 Maine can help.
Connect with Maine specialists at 211 Maine via phone, text, or email.
You can always reach one of our trained professionals by phone, text or email.
Accessible 24-7 | all languages | completely confidential
Interpreter Services
Translating & Language Interpreting Resources in Maine
Are you looking for an interpreter?
Immigrating to Maine? Talk to a 211 Maine Specialist for referrals regarding relocation and job training for new Mainers.
Interpreter Assistance
If you need assistance finding an interpreter, please dial 211 and a Specialist will search the directory for the resource.
211 Maine is also supported by an interpreter service 24/7. Callers can dial 211, press 6, say their preferred language, and a specialist will connect with an interpreter.
Directory Comments
For comments or to be included in our Qualified Interpreter Directory, please contact the 211 Resource Manager at (207) 221-8150 or Resources@211maine.org.
If you are interested in other resources for interpreting services, please dial 211 for assistance.
Disclaimer: 211 Maine is not responsible for the quality of the interpreter services provided.