Certain issues are hard to navigate. You’re not alone. 211 Maine can help.
Connect with Maine specialists at 211 Maine via phone, text, or email.
You can always reach one of our trained professionals by phone, text or email.
Accessible 24-7 | all languages | completely confidential
Healthcare and Assistance
Maine Referrals for Health Care, Prescriptions & Medical Transportation
Contact 211 Maine for information and referrals to services that deal with general health care issues, serious illnesses, nutrition and wellness programs, as well as prescription-assistance services, and medical transportation options. You can use 211 to find resources that help with drug and alcohol use, support, and rehabilitation.
Help with Health Insurance & Medical Support Programs
Contact 211 for information about the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, and Maine DHHS services. If you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed with an illness and need information about medical support programs, contact one of our trained specialists who can help walk you through health care options and connect you to local health and human services agencies that are designed to support you through illness.
You can also talk to someone about Substance Use[/substance-use] issues, including helplines, treatment, and counseling, or for help finding resources for Aging & Disability services.
Call 211 or text your zip code to 898-211 to connect with a Maine-based Specialist today.
“I’m so happy to be able to get back on my medications.”
Dial 911